416-757-4156 • 18 Wynford Drive, Suite 316, Toronto, Ontario

Wills & Codicils
Powers of Attorney for Property and Personal Care
Estate & Tax Planning
Estate Freezes
Estate Distribution and Administration
Title Insurance

Wills & Estate Lawyers

In Ontario, it is important to have a valid Will and Powers of Attorney in place by a Wills and Estate Lawyer as they are vital pieces of your Estate plan. If you die without a valid, complete Will, an intestacy is created, and the distribution of your Estate will be governed entirely by the Succession Law Reform Act. As well, under Ontario law, if you have not granted a Power of Attorney for Care and are unable to consent to medical care or treatment, an application may be required to the Ontario Consent and Capacity Board for the appointment of a substitute decision maker for you. Your consent is not required in such a proceeding and you may have no legal or personal control over such an appointment.

A proper Estate plan will minimize your Estate’s tax liabilities and clearly distribute your assets to your intended beneficiaries. Estate planning is a process. At Goldstein, Rosen & Rassos in Toronto, we ensure to work with you, your financial advisor and your accountant to develop a personal and effective Estate plan for you.

From the straightforward to the most complex family and financial situations, our team at Goldstein, Rosen & Rassos will help you create an Estate plan that meets your family and tax planning objectives. Our experienced solicitors are able to give sound advice and help you create an estate plan with respect to complex planning issues such as business succession planning, creation of trusts and guardianship.

Some of the services we provide include:

  • Wills & Codicils
  • Powers of Attorney for Property and Personal Care
  • Guardianship
  • Estate & Tax Planning
  • Estate Freezes
  • Estate Distribution and Administration
  • Title Insurance

Contact your local Wills and Estate lawyers today!

At Goldstein, Rosen & Rassos we are committed to excellence and personal service. Our team of legal professionals have developed a breadth of expertise in their respective fields.

Contact us today to set up an appointment.

Preferred Contact time:

12 + 1 =

Please contact Rylan at rmccloskey@grrlaw.ca

Goldstein, Rosen & Rassos
18 Wynford Drive, Suite 316
Toronto, Ontario
M3C 3S2




Tel: 416 757-4156
Fax: 416 757-9318

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