The Goldstein, Rosen & Rassos Blog on corporate law, wills and estates law, real estate law and other interesting articles.
Countersigning Wills and Powers of Attorney
The Ontario government continues to update legislation in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to allowing for remote witnessing of Wills and Powers of Attorney (see our earlier blog, here), the government has also amended legislation so that Wills and...
How COVID-19 Impacts your Contracts – Real Estate, Mortgages, and Commercial Leases
COVID-19 has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization, and in addition to the effects it has had on the health of thousands, it has far-reaching implications for the global economy. COVID-19 has disrupted work for millions and has major consequences...
BREAKING NEWS – Remote Wills and Powers of Attorney
The Ontario government has just announced major changes to the legislation affecting Wills and Powers of Attorney. The previous requirement when making these documents was that witnesses had to be in the physical presence of the person who was signing the documents....
Patent and Latent Defects
When a home inspection may not be enough? When buying a new home, it is always encouraged to inspect your new property. A home inspection can help identify potential problems in your new house prior to purchase. If you don’t insist on an inspection, you will not have...
Do I really need a Will?
One of my most common questions as a lawyer is “Do I really need a Will?” My answer is always yes. In Ontario, if you die without a valid, complete Will, an intestacy is created, and the distribution of your estate will be governed entirely by the Succession Law...
Avoiding probate fees through joint assets
Avoiding probate fees through joint assets when the Will of a deceased individual is validated by the courts, it is subject to probate fees. These fees are based on the value of the estate and only certain assets can be excluded from these fees. Assets placed in joint...
Backing out of a real estate deal – will the buyer lose his/her deposit?
There may be various reasons for a buyer to decide not to follow through on a real estate deal - the real estate market may have changed significantly since the buyer entered into the contract with the seller and the buyer now considers his bid to have been be too...
Why You Need a Lawyer When You are Buying or Selling your Home?
Over the past year the real estate market has had its ups and downs, but homes in the GTA are still selling quickly. With our community aging there has been a turn over of residents in Don Mills. Original home owners are now selling to younger families and...

Countersigning Wills and Powers of Attorney
The Ontario government continues to update legislation in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to allowing for remote witnessing of Wills and Powers of Attorney (see our earlier blog, here), the government has also amended legislation so that Wills and...

How COVID-19 Impacts your Contracts – Real Estate, Mortgages, and Commercial Leases
COVID-19 has been declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization, and in addition to the effects it has had on the health of thousands, it has far-reaching implications for the global economy. COVID-19 has disrupted work for millions and has major consequences...

BREAKING NEWS – Remote Wills and Powers of Attorney
The Ontario government has just announced major changes to the legislation affecting Wills and Powers of Attorney. The previous requirement when making these documents was that witnesses had to be in the physical presence of the person who was signing the documents....

Patent and Latent Defects
When a home inspection may not be enough? When buying a new home, it is always encouraged to inspect your new property. A home inspection can help identify potential problems in your new house prior to purchase. If you don’t insist on an inspection, you will not have...

Do I really need a Will?
One of my most common questions as a lawyer is “Do I really need a Will?” My answer is always yes. In Ontario, if you die without a valid, complete Will, an intestacy is created, and the distribution of your estate will be governed entirely by the Succession Law...

Avoiding probate fees through joint assets
Avoiding probate fees through joint assets when the Will of a deceased individual is validated by the courts, it is subject to probate fees. These fees are based on the value of the estate and only certain assets can be excluded from these fees. Assets placed in joint...

Backing out of a real estate deal – will the buyer lose his/her deposit?
There may be various reasons for a buyer to decide not to follow through on a real estate deal - the real estate market may have changed significantly since the buyer entered into the contract with the seller and the buyer now considers his bid to have been be too...

Why You Need a Lawyer When You are Buying or Selling your Home?
Over the past year the real estate market has had its ups and downs, but homes in the GTA are still selling quickly. With our community aging there has been a turn over of residents in Don Mills. Original home owners are now selling to younger families and...